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2012年9月20日 (木)

竹島に関するNewsweek 記事へのコメントはー

Newsweek 英語版(太平洋版)9月10日号の ‘Why Japan and South Korea Are Feuding Over a Cluster of Rocks’という竹島に関する記事のNet版-‘The Daily Beast’ の ‘WORLD NEWS’(http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/09/02/why-japan-and-south-korea-are-feuding-over-a-cluster-of-rocks.html)を 10日ぶりに覗くと コメントが 約800件になっていました。

初期の韓国人(系)のコメントは理屈を伴わない情緒的な内容が多かったのですが,やがて 真面目な歴史に関する議論が可能なコメントも出てきて,数人の日本人(と思われる)が,韓国人(系)の主張に対し,正しい歴史を 親切に教えるように誤りを正していました。


(韓)‘But when china ask Japan to solve Senkeku Island matter at international court, Japan says no.
And you want to take Takeshita to ICJ? Hahaha..very funny video...
Lie become truth when it repeat.’
(最後の一行は 韓国では常識と言われていますね。)

(日)‘No, don't tell a lie. China should propose to go to ICJ but they doesn' do that because they know that they will be defeated.’

(韓)‘Japan says Bamboo Island
Korea says Rock Island
There are no bamboo on the Island
There are nothing but rock on that Island.
And you want talk about this issue? Are you people stupid or something?’

(日)‘The name of Bamboo island (Takeshima) was originally used for Ulleungdo. But in the mid-19th century UK discovered Argonaut island, although it was mis-located because they had a mistake in surveying Ulleungdo, and they came to call this ghost island as Takeshima.

(日)‘Your comment shows how ignorant Koreans are on this issue. Are you guys claiming your sovereignty of Takeshima with such a poor knowledge? I can't believe it.’
(「勉強してからにしてよ。」 とクールなコメントもあります。)


(韓)‘Are you Jap? If so, u should be ashamed of yourself. You are war-criminals like Nazi. All Asian nations agree to the fact except for you Japanese. You know what? Apart from Dokdo, be aware that "Daemado" - so-called Tsushima in Japanese- belongs to Korea. You Japs have occupied the Island since the forced occupation of Korea by Japan. The evidence is that you Japs used one map that clearly indicated that Daemado belongs to Korea in order to claim ownership of another island in dispute with Americans. You Japs won the dispute by using that map and Americans acknowledged the fact. Now we Koreans demand you return the island to us right now, immediately. ’

- のような  下品で,無意味な 「『対馬』を戻せ」 の,反論する気にもならないコメントもあって,これは無視するしかないでしょうね。

- と思っていたら,丁寧に 正論が説くコメントがありました。

(日)‘You seem to be brain-washed by Korean education, which is quite different from the world standard education. As to Tsushima, Korea wanted to be included into Korean territory dusing the process of SF Peace Treaty but it was rejected by USA because Korean claim was groundless.’

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