日本語で 動物を使った慣用句,例えば「窮鼠猫を噛む」,「虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず」などがあるのと同様に 英語にも動物を使った慣用句があり,多くは 知らなければ 意味不明となります。
‘EnglishRader’ のサイトに “20 Animal idioms in English”(英語の動物慣用句20選)がありました。
‘Cool & quirky idioms and expressions about animals’(動物に関するクールで風変わりな慣用句や表現)の副題が付いています。
Do you know English animal idioms?
[Last updated on 12/07/2023]
動物は何世紀にもわたって人間の生活や文化の一部となってきた。動物が英語にも登場してきたのも 不思議ではない。このブログでは,英語を母国語とする人がよく使う,動物に関するクールで風変わりな慣用句や表現をいくつか紹介する。
英語の慣用句は母国語とする人にとっては自然なものだが,文字通りの意味を理解するのは困難または不可能だ。英語の流暢さを伸ばすために,英語の動物に関する興味深い慣用句 20 個について意味を明らかにし,例を挙げる。
20 Animal idioms in English
the elephant in the room(部屋の中の象)
誰もが気付いている(aware of)が,誰も公に議論したくないデリケートな問題や課題。
“The company’s financial troubles were the elephant in the room at the board meeting.”
a dark horse(ダークホース)
能力や意図(abilities or intentions)の点で謎めいて未知であること。
“No one expected John to win the marathon, he was a dark horse in the race.”
a whale of a time(鯨の時間)
“My family had a whale of a time at the amusement park yesterday.”
butterflies in one’s stomach(胃の中の蝶)
“Before her big speech, she had butterflies in her stomach.”
as free as a bird(小鳥のように自由)
“After retiring, he felt as free as a bird and decided to travel the world.”
a bull in a china shop(陶器店の牛)
“He was like a bull in a china shop during the delicate negotiation at the board meeting, causing tensions to rise unnecessarily.”
kill two birds with one stone(一石で二鳥を殺す)
1つの動作で同時に 2つのことを達成する。
“I can pick up the dry cleaning and groceries on the way home, killing two birds with one stone.”
let the cat out of the bag(袋から猫を出させる)
“I accidentally let the cat out of the bag and told Sarah about the surprise party.”
make a mountain out of a molehill(モグラ塚から山を作る)
“I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill, it’s just a minor setback.”
a bee in your bonnet(あなたの帽子の中に蜂)
考えずにはいられないアイデアに夢中になる(obsessed with)こと。
“Ever since she read that book, she’s had a bee in her bonnet about starting her own business.”
a deer in the headlights(ヘッドライトの中の鹿)
“When the interviewer asked him a difficult question, he was like a deer in the headlights.”
to be a chicken(チキンになること)
“I don’t want to try skydiving, I’m too much of a chicken.”
a frog in one’s throat(喉のカエル)
“He couldn’t sing the solo at the concert because he had a frog in his throat.”
ants in one’s pants(パンツの中に蟻)
“The kids had ants in their pants on the long car ride and kept asking ‘are we there yet?'”
the lion's share(ライオンの分け前)
“The CEO gets the lion’s share of the company’s annual bonuses.”
「CEO は会社の年間ボーナスの大きな部分を受け取る。」
to smell a rat(鼠の匂いを感じる)
“I smelled a rat when he offered me a deal that seemed too good to be true.”
a fish out of water(水から出た魚)
“As a vegetarian, I felt like a fish out of water at the barbecue.”
a sitting duck(座った家鴨)
“The company’s outdated online security system made them a sitting duck for the cyber attack that cost them millions of dollars to fix.”
a wolf in sheep's clothing(羊の皮の狼)
“He seemed nice, but turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, stealing from his colleagues.”
in the doghouse(犬小屋で)
“After forgetting our wedding anniversary, I was definitely in the doghouse with my wife.”