“He was six feet under” を 「彼は身長 6ft以下だった」 とは訳さない。
英語には 数を含むイデオムが多くあります。
以下に 代表的なものを示します。(‘English Club’ サイトの “Number Idioms” より)
“all in one piece”: 無事に,怪我もなく
— I was relieved to hear that he had arrived all in one piece.
“a million miles away”: 気が散って(distracted)
— Sorry, what did you say? I was a million miles away.
すみません,何と言いましたか? ぼおーっとしていました。
“at sixes and sevens”: 混乱した状態で
— I've been at sixes and sevens all day.
“at the eleventh hour”: 最後の瞬間に
— Louis changed his mind about the deal at the eleventh hour.
“back to square one”: 何も進展しないままスタート地点に戻る
— Three hours later and we're back to square one.
“dressed to the nines, dressed up to the nines”: とてもスマートな服を着て
— It was an extremely important event, and we were all dressed to the nines.
“forty winks”: 少し眠る,うたた寝
— I could do with forty winks right now.
“give someone the third degree”: 誰かにたくさんの質問をする
— As soon as I arrived home from the meeting, she gave me the third degree.
“have second thoughts”: 決断に関し 疑問がある
— Help! I'm having second thoughts about getting married.
助けてください! 結婚について考え直している。
“in two minds”: 決められない
— I'll give you an answer tomorrow; I'm in two minds about it right now.
“it takes two to tango”: 状況に関与している両者に責任がある
— I don't know why you're blaming it all on me; it takes two to tango.
“kill two birds with one stone”: 1 つの用事で 2 つのタスクをこなす
— I decided to kill two birds with one stone and visit my mother after doing the shopping.
“million dollar question, $64,000 question”: 最も難しい質問
— Ha! That's the 64,000 dollar question! I wish I knew the answer.
“on all fours (of a person)”: 両手と両膝を地面につける
— I got down on all fours and started looking for my gold ring in the grass.
“on cloud nine”: とても幸せ
— Ever since he heard the news, Paul's been on cloud nine.
“six feet under (informal)”: 死んで埋葬された
— My uncle was six feet under long before I was born.
“take five”: ちょっと休憩しよう
— Let's take five and meet back here at noon.
“stand on one's own two feet”: 自立し,自分の面倒を見ることができるようになる
— It's time the boy learned to stand on his own two feet.
“to two-time”: パートナーに知られずに同時に二人のガールフレンド/ボーイフレンドを持つこと。
— Mary kicked Fred out of the apartment when she found out he'd been two-timing her.
メアリーは,フレッドが浮気していたことを知って 彼をアパートから追い出した。
“twenty-four-seven”: 24時間365日,いつでも
— The shop on the corner is open twenty-four-seven.
“two cents, two cents' worth (informal)”: 求められていない意見,おせっかいな意見
— Before they made their final decision, I managed to get my two cents in.
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